朱古力蛋糕 Chocolate Cake朱古力蛋糕Ingredients材料1 egg yolk蛋黃 1隻2 ts 辦公室出租span>p 辦公室出租 sugar糖  2茶匙1 tsp gelatine po 開幕活動wder魚膠粉  1茶匙3 tsp hot water熱水 3湯匙100g 居酒屋baking chocolate煮食用朱古力 100克Method做法1. Whisk the egg yolk and sugar unt 信用卡代償il creamy white . 用打蛋器將蛋黃發打,然後慢慢加入糖,直至呈奶白色。2. Mix the gelatine powde 澎湖民宿r and sugar into hot water. 把魚膠粉、糖及熱水混和。3. Add in melted chocolate. Mix well. 加入朱古力溶液,拌勻。4. 房屋出租Pour the batter into the molds . Chill until set. 把朱古力料放入慕司模中,放入雪櫃內冷藏直至凝固。引用自http://www.cmidi.com/coma/view 售屋網thread.php?tid=26674&extra=page%3D1 .msgcontent .wsharing ul li { text-indent: 0; } 分享 Facebook Plurk YAHOO! G2000  .

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